September 20, 2010 –The Kays Foundation held its celebration marking its 100 years of service to Arkansas State University on Saturday, September 18, 2010 from 2:30-4:00 p.m. The celebration was open to the public and took place on the grounds of the Kays Foundation offices located at 1212 University Loop East.
The Foundation served lemonade, cookies and had a live performance by the ASU “Sound of the Natural State” band, tours of the Foundations “Pleasance” walkway was given by the Arkansas Forestry Department.
Speakers Dr. Ruth Hawkins, Dr. Michael Dougan, and Dr. Eugene Smith offered remarks on the past, present, and future impact of the Kays Foundation and its goal to assist Arkansas State University.
Also on hand for the event was past grant recipients of the Foundation. They provided demonstrations of the advancements they have made with funding provided by the Kays Foundation grants.
Representatives from the University participating in the demonstrations where Dr. E. T. Hammerand from the department of Computer Science for the (BEST Robotics Competition) , Dr. Tom Risch in the department of Biological Sciences, Dr. Ken Hatch in the College of Fine Arts and Wynona (Nonie) Wiggins from the College of Nursing & Health Professions.
The Kays Foundation is a nonprofit corporation which exists to promote the interest of Arkansas State University. The Foundation makes grants and funding available to Arkansas State University to enhance efforts to achieve the teaching, research, and service goals and purposes of the university. Applications for funding must to some substantial degree, benefit and advance the goals of Arkansas State University.
Current Board of Directors of the Kays Foundation include President Emeritus Dr. Eugene Smith; Emeritus Professor Charles Rasberry; Emeritus Professor Robert Ferralasco; Emeritus Professor Tom Bishop; Attorney Lucinda McDaniel, and alumna Betty Jo Rousey. Wayne Blake serves as Executive Vice President and Treasurer of the Board. The Foundation has no official ties to the University-legal or otherwise.
To view pictures of the event (click here)