The Kays Foundation Awarded $81,368.00 in the Spring 2020 Grant cycle. The board awarded Grants to Four Arkansas State University Faculty Members. Announcements for the Spring 2020 grants were made during the Fall 2020 semester.
The first grant was awarded to Dr. Cheryl DuBose, in the Medical Imaging and Radiation Department in the amount of $14,944.00 to purchase two (2) GE Vscan portable sonography machines in the College of Nursing and Health Professions.
The second grant proposal was awarded to Dr. Shawn Drake, in the College of Health Professions for partial funding in the amount of $50,024.00 to purchase hospital beds for the Acute Care Simulation Lab (ACSL) for training in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) setting.
The third grant proposal was awarded to Dr. Philip Tew in the Economics and Finance Department in the amount of $8,000.00 to expand the Scarlet to Black Program that began in 2018 to assist Arkansas State University students in improving both their financial knowledge and actions to reduce negative effects of poor financial actions in college.
The fourth grant awarded was to Dr. Than Boves in the Department of Biological Sciences in the amount of $8,400.00 for the proposal titled “Uncovering the factors associated with host-switching of specialized parasites” which is a study of one lineage of feather mites and a set of fifty (50) closely related avian host species of Warblers to examine how parasites can switch hosts or even species.
The Kays Foundation is a private, nonprofit foundation supporting Arkansas State University by providing grants to support faculty, staff, departments, colleges, or other entities in order to further the teaching, research, and service goals of Arkansas State University.