The Kays Foundation Awarded $210,046.30 in the Fall 2019 Grant cycle. The board awarded Grants to Six Arkansas State University Faculty Members in the amount $160,046.30 and an additional $50,000 to (NYITCOM) New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine at Arkansas State University. Announcements for the Fall 2019 grants were made during the spring 2020 semester.
The first grant was awarded to Dr. Katherine Baker, in the Department of Art + Design for a grant in the amount of $11,651.00 to support the Art-in-a-Box, an outreach program for high school art students and the A-State Art Summer Residency, which will bring prospective students to campus for a summer camp as a recruitment initiative.
The second grant proposal was awarded to Andrea Brown, Department of Occupational Therapy in the amount of $28,471.38. The grant will provide for equipment and materials to develop and interprofessional pediatric rehabilitation lab. The lab will be shared by several programs such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech-language pathology.
The third grant proposal was awarded to Kristy Cates, School of Media & Journalism/KASU in the amount of $7,500 for “In Performance @ A-State” which will provide funds to produce an original radio program which will be a weekly, hour long program showcasing the musical talent of the ASU Music Department and students. It will include both vocal and instrumental genres performed on campus and aired on KASU.
The fourth grant awarded was to Dr. Tarek Ragab it the ASU Engineering Department in the amount of $2,500.00 for the proposal titled “Visually-enhanced structural analysis education using advanced structural software”. The SAP2000 Ultimate Software provides an easy and interactive user interface that can be used to introduce and develop interest to high school students to the process of structural engineering analysis and design.
The fifth grant awarded was to Dr. Susan Hanrahan, Dean of the College of Nursing and Health Professions for “21st Century Health Technology–Access/Impact” in the amount of $59,923.92. “Tel/eHealth” is the use of electronic information and telecommunication technologies to support and promote long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health related education, public health and health administration. It’s fast becoming the critical way in which medical care is being provided which allows for patients to be diagnosed earlier.
The sixth grant awarded was to Dr. Alexis Kendrick, Assistant Professor of the Department of Physical Therapy CNHP in the amount of $200,000 over a four-year period to develop and establish “The Kays Foundation Women’s Health and Physical Therapy Residency” this new program will educate post-doctoral students in the physical therapy program and assist the community with women’s health physical therapy.
The New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine at Arkansas State University (NYITCOM) received $50,000 for two grants. The first grant was to Brent Owens for “PrepAR-Preparing a pipeline of Arkansas State students towards Medical School.” The grant will be used to recruit, prep, and equip ASU students from STEM disciplines interested in applying to medical school. The goal of this pilot project is to enable students to achieve a successful entry into the medical field. The second grant was to Dr. Rajendram V. Rajnarayanan, Assistant Dean of Research and Associate Professor, Basic Sciences Dept., NYITCOM at A-State for a “Summer Health Academy for Research Exploration (SHARE) Program.” This grant will provide ten (10) stipends to high school students with eight (8) weeks of intense laboratory exposure along with professional and career development activities to navigate them towards a Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine (STEMM) field or professional degree. The Summer Camp will bring prospective students to campus and serve as a recruitment initiative.
The Kays Foundation is a private, nonprofit foundation supporting ASU by providing grants to support faculty, staff, departments, colleges, or other entities in order to further the teaching, research, and service goals of Arkansas State University.