January 18, 2011 — The Board of Directors of the Kays Foundation today announced two grants to the ASU-Jonesboro campus.
The first proposal chosen for 2010-2011 funding will support the ASU College of Nursing & Health Professions, Ray Winters, Associate Professor and Chair in the amount of $12,000.00 for matching funds for the purchase of a radiologic positioning mannequin for use in the (MIRS) Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences Department .
The second proposal chosen will provide funding for a Teacher Workshop for Crowley’s Ridge BEST Robotics Program submitted by Dr. E. T. Hammerand in the ASU Department of Computer Science in the amount of $3,000.00.
The Kays Foundation is a private, nonprofit foundation supporting ASU by providing grants to support faculty, staff, departments, colleges, or other entities in order to further the teaching, research, and service goals of Arkansas State University.